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Tattoos, for those unaware, are more than just art pieces that are seen in a person’s body. It modifies the body by the insertion of indelible ink right into the skin’s dermis layer for pigment transformation. The application of tattoos has been practiced for centuries by people coming from a wide range of cultures and races. The tattoos were originally a Eurasian practice since the times of the Neolithic. The first person known to have the first set of tattoos was a man named Ȍtzi the Iceman, who had 57 carbon tattoos that consisted of simple dots and lines located behind his left knee, on his right ankle and on his lower spine. Be of the placement of these tattoos, they were thought to be a form of healing and they happened to be similar with another popular form of healing – acupuncture.

At the slight mention of the word “tattoo flash”, alarm bells would ring in an instant. Conservatives find them appalling. Parents would throw a tantrum when they see tattoos plastered all over their children’s bodies. Tattoos have no doubt created polarizing opinions since its existence. But what is it really with tattoos that easily make most people tick? For one, conservatives see them as a destruction of one’s body. Tattoo fanatics love to plaster their bodies with the most common tattoo designs such as flowers (roses in particular), crosses, animals, phrases, and even the names of people who hold a special place in their heart.


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